Students are to provide their own instrument for Band and Orchestra classes. A rental night is set up in September for Band 7 students who will be getting their instrument for the first time.
Students must ensure their instrument is in proper working order, if it is not please contact Long and McQuade ( or Kings Music ( to get it repaired. Instruments should be taken in for a cleaning/tune up every year even if they are not damaged.
– Music stand for home practice
– Metronome (many free ones online or in the App store)
– Tuner (many free ones online or in the App store)
– Cleaning rod
– Cleaning cloth
– reeds (minimum of 2), these can be bought through the main office at school
– swab
– cork grease
– reeds (minimum of 4), these should be bought by the box at a local music store.
– Rico Royal *Good*
– Vandoren Juno (white box)* Better*
– Vandoren (blue box) *BEST!*
Rico Orange box reeds should not be used
– swab
– cork grease
– reeds (minimum of 4), these should be bought by the box at a local music store.
– Rico Royal *Good*
– Vandoren Juno (white box)* Better*
– Vandoren (blue box) *BEST!*
Rico Orange box reeds should not be used
– swab
– cork grease
*Students in Jazz Band should look into purchasing a Jazz mouthpiece to help create a more characteristic sound, Vandoren also has a line of Jazz reeds (Green, Red or Black box) that students may find success with.
All woodwind players are expected to swab out their instrument after every use!!