June 2021 Music Notes

With another school year coming to a close we are working there are a few last items that need to be taken care of. First of all I want to thank the students and families for their incredible dedication and commitment to creating music together this year. It was a challenge at times and those 7:00 am rehearsals are always tough but we were able to keep music going and stay safe while doing it.

At this point all music supplies should be turned in. This includes method books, song books, school instruments and fingering charts. If you still have not done this please get those items into Mr. Monkman ASAP.

Music Room Pack Up and Music Sorting Party (Thursday, June 24th)
We are looking for students volunteers to help pack up the music room and sort/file music before we can go on summer break. We are looking for 8-12 hard working volunteers to help out with the following: music sorting, instrument inventory, sound equipment inventory, method book organizing, cleaning of music room items and packing up all percussion.
We need volunteers from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm on Thursday, June 24th, Lunch will be provided. If you are interested please email Mr. Monkman or send him a message through TEAMS.

Summer Music Packages/Instrument Maintenance
All students who are signed up for Band or Jazz Band next year are expected to pick up their summer music package so they have music to work on over the summer. This package will have 3 or 4 pieces for each group the student is in and they are expected to be able to play them when we start up in Septemeber.
Summer is also a great time to get those instruments tuned up. Instruments should go in for general maintenance once a year. If you are renting this maintenance is often covered in the cost of your rentals and can be done by the shop you rent from. If you own your instrument this general maintenance can cost $80-$100 (cost will go up if there is more work to be done) and will not only make playing easier but will preserve the life of the instrument. I highly recommend the repair shops at Tapestry Music in White Rock (https://www.tapestrymusic.com/) and Matterhorn Music (https://matterhornmusic.ca/) in Surrey (these are the 2 shops I use for all my personal instruments).

Grad 2021
I know it was never the year you imagined but I am so proud of all of you for how you’ve handled yourselves throughout this school year. I have never met a more resilient group of young adults and watching how you persevered through everything this year is remarkable. Whether is was 5 hours of AP Eng or Calc, 7:00 am rehearsals, 8.5 hours of music in a day or the endless hand-sanitizing and mask-wearing you handle it with grace and poise, never complaining or whining and always doing what needed to be done.
Many of you came into our program 6 years ago, nervous, excited and enthusiastic but always with a drive to push yourself and you peers to be better. By the Spring of your grade 8 year I knew there was something special about this group and you guys exceeded everyone of my expectations.
I want to thank you for the 6 years of incredible music making, laughter, joy and occasionally frustration, you brought me. You are forever a part of the Graham Music family and your legacy will carry throughout our program for years to come. You are always welcome back to visit, I love catching up with grads and hearing about their lives, and you are definitely welcome to come play. I know you are all off to do incredible things and I can’t wait to see it happen.
“That’s all we have time for today, thanks guys!”

– Monkman

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